How Does Your Internal Health Affect You Externally

Your health is important. Whether you agree with this or not, the fact remains the same. If you take your health for granted, there will be consequences.
Your general health and well-being can be summed up by two components: your internal and external health. The components that make up your internal health are undoubtedly inconspicuous. These include...
  • blood pressure,
  • blood sugar level,
  • insulin resistance,
  • vascular health,
  • inflammation and
  • internal fat (the type deposited within and surrounding your vital organs), among others.
Conversely, your external health consists of more prominent components. The type you can usually tell by looking at an individual. Of course, you're right in guessing body weight is one of those on the list. High body fat levels are a prime indicator of poor overall health. But, there's more. Your skin's appearance can also give you clues about your general health. Vitamin and mineral deficiencies in the body can sometimes be measured by the aesthetic vitality of one's skin alone. Let's not forget other external components, such as joint integrity and aptitude for everyday movements as well.
Moving on. Is one of these health components more important than the other? It's not a case of one or the other. You don't choose between internal or external health because they work concurrently. Let's go over a brief example...
Cristina is a 38-year-old mother of two children and spouse to a loving husband. The only problem in her life is over the past few years; she has gained more pounds than she would like to admit. Following her latest blood test examination, her doctor has told her she needs to lose weight. If she doesn't lose weight, there is a high chance she will become a Type 2 diabetic shortly as her blood sugar levels are greater than average, with some early signs of heart issues.
It doesn't help Cristina also has a family history of heart problems and Type 2 diabetes.
Clearly Cristina displays indicators of poor internal and external health. Know that one does not exist without the other. Varied levels of obesity will exacerbate various internal issues your body is handling. If your internal health is poor, it's going to make it much easier for you to gain even more weight, and help to cause further problems in other parts of your external health.
Moreover, what does work in your favor is the fact working on one will also function to improve the other. Eat healthy foods for better internal health, and watch the weight fall off. Exercise for weight loss, and watch as your baseline blood sugar levels decrease.
There are no shortcuts to good health; internal or external!
Although managing your disease can be very challenging, Type 2 diabetes is not a condition you must just live with. You can make simple changes to your daily routine and lower both your weight and your blood sugar levels. Hang in there, the longer you do it, the easier it gets.

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