Can You Lose Weight Just By Exercising

Some people wonder if it's possible to lose weight without exercise. It's certainly a doable feat, but there are no reasons why you shouldn't exercise while looking to lose weight. Physical activity of all forms increases your caloric expenditure, which in turn facilitates your weight loss efforts. Besides, there are many health benefits of regular exercise. Ideally, a healthy eating plan and regular physical activity will produce the greatest results.
A sensible eating plan on its own can lead to weight loss. Exercise is supplementary. Moreover, since we know exercise does usually play a role in weight loss, is it possible for you to lose weight just by exercising? In other words, can you exercise enough, so you don't have to focus too much on the food you chose to eat?
The answer, in contrast to the contrary, is not so simple.
Remember the predominant factor in weight loss is not necessarily what your eating plan consists of or how many hours you log in on the treadmill in a week. Rather, generally speaking, it's how many calories your body expends. When you consume fewer calories, and you choose to spend more, typically by exercising, you have the necessary ingredients in place for effective weight loss.
You can lose weight just by decreasing your overall food intake, so you are consistently on a sensible deficit. Whether you exercise or not is your decision, but for a Type 2 diabetic many of the health benefits of exercise are immediate. This is especially true for the exercise-induced changes that fight diabetes. Exercise helps...
  • make the body more responsive to insulin and allows sugar to be removed from the blood more efficiently,
  • lowers blood sugar by using glucose for fuel.
  • you lose body fat, which also lowers your diabetes risk.
However, exercise alone is not quite the same. Technically, if your eating habits stay the same, and you implement an effective exercise regimen, you should be able to lose weight. With that said progress depends on two factors...
  • you consistently eat at a caloric maintenance level, and
  • you don't overcompensate because of increased caloric demand.
What we mean by the former is when you eat at a maintenance level, you're eating just enough calories not to gain weight - but not lose any either. You're eating the correct amount your body requires to maintain your current weight. Theoretically, by adding exercise into the mix you have a healthy deficit. Moreover, the challenge is determining your maintenance level with accuracy, and consistently being on point in regards to your intake.
What guarantee is there you won't eat more because of an increased appetite on the days you workout? Many people overcompensate and eat more without conscious knowledge because they have been more physically active.
Although weight loss solely through exercise is possible, it is not ultimately feasible which returns us to our original point. Ideally, a healthy eating plan and regular physical activity will produce the best results.
Although managing your disease can be very challenging, Type 2 diabetes is not a condition you must just live with. You can make simple changes to your daily routine and lower both your weight and your blood sugar levels. Hang in there, the longer you do it, the easier it gets.

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