Why You Still Need To Exercise As Well As Follow A Healthy Eating Plan

One common question asked by many adults is this... "If I keep to a healthy diet, why do I need to exercise as well?" There seems to be a dichotomy between physical activity and nutrition and how they relate to your overall health and well-being. In other words, there is a widespread belief these are separate elements when in fact, they work together and are both a part of your lifestyle.
It might just be human nature since we are inherently lazy. Or better yet, because we look for the path of least resistance, where we need to use the least effort and energy. If we can achieve a worthwhile goal by expending the least amount of energy possible, wouldn't that be a commendable feat? It's this principle that lies at the root of our question. If you're eating healthy foods in moderate amounts, what's the point of exercising at all?
For starters, following a healthy eating plan is not the be-all and end-all of good health. As much as it is important to eat healthy foods, you can't overlook the fact your body requires physical activity for optimum health. It's an innate requirement - your body is meant to move and expend energy.
Besides, as a Type 2 diabetic you need to exercise to keep your insulin resistance and blood sugar in check. You need to be able to burn calories and pull sugar out of your blood directly through muscular expenditure. Without physical activity, you will deprive yourself of the direct benefits brought on by exercise, which also prove to be essential for the aging adult. Additionally, in the absence of physical activity your body will be more exposed to general illness.
What about the conditions that often affect aging adults? Heart disease, osteoporosis, and cancer to name a few. Regular physical activity will help you prevent the development of these conditions by mitigating their onset directly. Resistance training primarily, as it is known to be a direct preventer of many diseases frequently brought on by aging.
What about obesity and conditions such as Type 2 diabetes? A healthy eating plan will go a long way in preventing the onset of these circumstances, and treating them as well if that happens to be the case. But, without physical activity you are only actualizing half of your potential. If you're looking to lose weight and treat your diabetes by lowering your blood sugar levels, you must eat healthily and be physically active if you are to make any form of substantial progress.
Your body begs for energy expenditure through physical activity. You wouldn't deprive yourself of food, so why deprive yourself of something else also essential for your well-being?
Type 2 diabetes is not a condition you must just live with. By making easy changes to your daily routine, its possible to protect your heart, kidneys, eyes and limbs from the damage often caused by diabetes, and eliminate some of the complications you may already experience.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9178646

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