The Best Workout Moves To Improve Insulin Sensitivity and Blood Sugar

We were made to move. Regular moderate physical activity is essential for managing your Type 2 diabetes and for lowering your blood sugar. One step for anyone struggling with controlling their blood sugar to take is the monitoring of their insulin sensitivity levels. Insulin sensitivity plays a crucial role in how well you manage your condition. The more sensitive your body is to insulin, the better your body will be able to handle the carbohydrates you consume on a daily basis.
The great news is the right kind of exercise can significantly boost your body's sensitivity, ensuring you are as healthy as possible. But what exercise is best? Let's go over the top options for you to consider...
1. Heavy Compound Strength Moves The first type of exercise that will get you a positive improvement is heavy compound strength training moves. Think squats, deadlifts, bench press, and rows. All of these exercises require you to exert maximum effort to hoist that weight, using multiple muscle groups at once.
The more muscle fibers you can get contracting, the more it will help increase insulin sensitivity.
Make sure you challenge yourself with a heavy weight to get the full benefit. The more intense the session, the more beneficial it will be to you lowering your blood sugar.
2. Intense Interval Cardio Training. Next, try interval cardio training. Here again, intensity wins out. These sessions are very intense and, as a result, will alter your body chemistry to a degree. Boosting your intensity rate ensures your body is better equipped to shuttle the carbohydrates you eat towards your muscle cells, rather than your fat body cells.
As an additional bonus, this training will also boost your metabolic rate for up to 48 hours post your workout session.
3. Long Distance Cardio. Finally, long distance cardio also deserves some mention. This form of cardio is very moderate in intensity and will not boost insulin sensitivity permanently. But it will for a short time after this exercise routine is performed.
Insulin sensitivity improves for a brief period thanks to the fact the long duration cardio will deplete muscle glycogen stores, which then basically means those cells will be refilled first on eating any carbohydrates.
So as you take in those carbs, you won't find them sitting around in your blood stream like you would had you not exercised.
As you can see, there are many ways to use exercise to your advantage as a Type 2 diabetic when you are looking to control your blood sugar. Make sure you are not missing out on the benefits exercise has to offer in helping you to reduce the harmful effects of high blood sugar.
Although managing your disease can be very challenging, Type 2 diabetes is not a condition you must just live with. You can make simple changes to your daily routine and lower both your weight and your blood sugar levels. Hang in there, the longer you do it, the easier it gets.

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