The Banting Diet Food List - What Can You Eat When Banting?

Weight loss is certainly among the most extensively talked about matters on TV programs and between buddies and colleagues. Folks are interested in reducing their weight--and reducing it rapidly. A popular weight loss technique is the fruit and vegetable diet plan. While this encourages fast weight loss, it might position you for fat gain without the appropriate measures.

The Way It Works

The fruit and vegetable diet plan encourages quick weight loss by stuffing you with lower calorie choices. The objective would be to achieve nine portions of vegetables and fruits every day within two weeks or so, with five from the vegetable grouping and four from the fresh fruit grouping. Over seven to fourteen days you slowly exchange the foods you usually consume with the fresh fruit and vegetable choices. You keep eating the nine portions of vegetables and fruit every day until the wanted weight loss is accomplished.


Consuming low-calorie vegetables and fruits enables you to eat more frequently and stay away from crashes and temptations between daily meals. Prevent food cravings by crunching on carrot sticks or fruit slices or defeat the heat by gulping down frozen blueberries. You can eat a lot more and eat more frequently when vegetables and fruit are the core of your diet program. After achieving your ultimate goal, you can sustain the weight loss if you eat five to seven portions of vegetables and fruits every day.

There are actually health advantages as well. Vegetables and fruits are full of nutrition and dietary fiber. Consuming a fresh fruit and vegetable diet is known to reduce LDL cholesterol and blood pressure levels. Research has shown those foods decrease the chance of certain kinds of cancers, stroke and heart problems.


As effective as they are, vegetables and fruits are not nearly as gratifying as carb or protein abundant foods. You might feel really famished within one hour or two of consuming a vegetable and fruits only meal, making it a lot more appealing to overdo on prohibited food items.

Not all vegetables and fruits have the same weight loss advantages. As mentioned by Travis Van Slooten, founder and editor of Men's Total Fitness, avocados are rich in fats and the wonderful banana and grapes are rich in sugars. Consuming those responsibly is okay. 

However, eating too many can derail quick weight loss. To get the most from the fruit and vegetable diet consume fruit uncooked and veggies uncooked or steamed. Including higher calorie salad dressing, butter or oil removes almost all the advantages of eating the lower calorie choice.

Set yourself up for good results by planning meals and munchies ahead of time. Fill up baggies with portions of uncooked fruits and vegetables which are cleaned, sliced and all set to consume.

Do not restrict yourself to vegetables and fruits solely. Doing this is just like ensuring that you will fail. Stay away from becoming victim to abrupt urges by introducing little amounts of your preferred starches and proteins into your eating regimen.

Boost your willpower by including a wide variety. When you have strawberries for your morning meal, have a melon for a noon time meal.

Learn about how to prepare quick and easy recipes designed with simple fat burning foods and the best diets for
If you haven't yet heard of Banting, it is one of the latest diets condoning a low carbohydrate and high fat lifestyle. The hardest part of any diet is knowing what you can and can't eat. which is why we have put together The Banting Diet Food List. This list categorises all of the foods that you can eat and those that you should avoid when "Banting".

So, what is Banting?

Banting is the name of one of the latest diets focussing on low carbohydrate and high fat foods as a way to sustain normal blood sugar and insulin levels, and in so doing, losing weight and regaining health and energy. The diet was named after William Banting, who in 1863 popularised a similar diet and had much success transforming himself from an obese unhealthy undertaker to a lean energetic one!

The Banting Diet focusses on cutting out all refined carbohydrates, sugars and processed food and rather focussing on natural (and organic or free-range where possible) ingredients. You are allowed meat, vegetables, fats, nuts and dairy, but should limit the amount of sugary fruit and starchy vegetables. Anything that is processed or has preservatives, sugar and simple carbohydrates is completely off the menu.

People following this diet are recommended to eat a maximum of 25g - 50g of net carbohydrates (net carbs) per day. Net carbs being the total carbohydrates minus dietary fibre and sugar alcohols - the reason this is deducted from the total carbohydrates measure is because the fibre and sugar alcohols do not have an impact on blood sugar levels. The blood sugar levels in turn increase the level of insulin in the blood, which is the main cause for the body to store unhealthy fat.

To make it easier for people starting this diet, the foods are placed into three lists: The Green List; The Orange List and The Red List.

The Green List

The Green List foods are those that you can eat freely and daily. The foods on this list contain between 0g - 5g of net carbohydrates (net carbs) per 100g.

All fresh unprocessed animal protein (incl. seafood)
Naturally cured meat and sausages
Sweeteners (only Erythritol, Xylitol and Stevia are allowed)
Unsweetened Full fat and full cream dairy products (e.g. double cream yoghurt, cheese)
Coconut Cream, Milk and Water
Black Coffee and Teas
Animal Fat and Lard
Oils (such as Olive, Coconut Avocado)
Nuts and Nut Butters (except those on Orange List)
Seeds and Seed Butters
Vegetables (except those on Orange and Red Lists)
All condiments that are naturally produced and are not sweetened
The Orange List

These are the foods that should be enjoyed only occasionally because the net carb content ranges between 6g to 25g per 100g serving.

These vegetables: Butternut Squash, Parsnips, Peas, Sweet Potato
These Nuts: Cashews, Chestnuts
Dry wine and unsweetened spirits (e.g. Vodka, Brandy)
Dark Chocolate (70-90% only)
All Fruit (fresh not dried)
The Red List

The Red List are those foods or food products that should be avoided altogether. This is because they either have a very high carbohydrate or sugar content, or the include ingredients that are toxic to the body (such as preservatives, additives, artificial sweeteners or seed oils).

Dried Fruit (incl. prunes and raisins)
All baked goods and confectionary
All processed and sweetened dairy
Rice Milk and Soy Milk
Beer & Cider
All Fizzy drinks (incl. diet drinks)
Sports and energy drinks
All fruit juice
Crumbed and battered foods
All grains (e.g. Rice and couscous)
All pasta
All bread
Sweetened and processed sauces and spreads (e.g. Peanut Butter)
All sugar and sugar derivatives (e.g. maple syrup, honey, fructose)
All processed meat products including vegetarian soy products
Click to view the most comprehensive Banting Diet Food List including nutritional values (calories, fat, carbohydrates, net carbs etc.) for all foods on the Banting Green, Orange and Red lists.

To find out more about Banting, visit Low Carb Love.

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1 Response to "The Banting Diet Food List - What Can You Eat When Banting?"

  1. There are actually health advantages as well. Vegetables and fruits are full of nutrition and dietary fiber. such a nice blog .
    health right for us
